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UltimET Light

UltimET Light motion controller, part of our TransnET architecture, offers seamless synchronization and control of up to 63 axes, ensuring optimal performance in motion control applications.

UltimET Light motion controller serves as the master on the TransnET bus, facilitating communication with up to 63 axes while maintaining consistent performance regardless of the number of axes.

We offer two versions of the motion controller to meet diverse application needs: the UltimET Light smart gateway for synchronized movements and the UltimET Light interpolation version for interpolated movements.


  • Nanosecond level synchronization of all axes on the bus
  • Performance is independent of the number of axes present on the bus
  • Allows multiple slave-to-slave communication within one cycle (10 kHz)
  • Multi-axes interpolation capability
axis synchronisation jitter
Axis synchronisation jitter
Nanosecond axes synchronization jitter
trajectory management
Trajectory management
Outstanding trajectory management
stage ais control
Stage & AIS control
Stage and active isolation system control in real-time

UltimET Light: Powerful multi-axis motion controllers

Here are the key features:

The system supports synchronized or interpolated movements with various motion profiles including G-code based, Universal Linear Movements (ULM), Position Velocity Time (PVT), Position Time (PT), and LooK-up Table (LKT).

Features such as 3D mapping for error correction and gantry acceleration feed-forward enhance control precision and performance of multi-axes systems.

UltimETs are available in PCI/PCI Express versions for integration into PCs suited for high-speed applications, and TCP/IP versions for embedding into AccurET position controllers in stand-alone machines.

TransnET, the gigabit ethernet-based fieldbus, ensures real-time communication between UltimET motion controllers and AccurET position controllers, facilitating deterministic synchronization and interpolation for high-end machines.


Products: 1
UltimET Light